Best Rising Photographers of January 2023

We are constantly finding stunning photography by photographers who travel and work worldwide. Here’s a collection of amazing photos from photographers who are rising stars in January 2023, which you can take as a source of inspiration. We hope that you like this collection. We thank you for the opportunity to see an incredible array of images every month with our diverse call for submissions or spontaneous portfolio submissions.

Steven Stanley Manolakis is an aerial photographer who is based in Sydney. His photos of Australian landscapes taken from the air offer a unique perspective of the world around us.

Since his first photography session in 2018, Steven has earned more than 50 international photography awards. He has been featured in various magazines, including All About Photo, Australian Photography, and The Eye of Photography. In particular, Steven was chosen as a finalist for the 2020 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition. He was awarded eight Honorable Mentions at the International Photography Awards, and was awarded two Best of Best distinctions in the Creative Communication Awards two years consecutively.

Steven’s work is highly regarded for his unique ability to draw distinct geographical features as he flies across vast natural landscapes, producing images characterized by an emphasis on compositional simplicity, symmetry, meaning, and minimalism.

The whole story of Steven Stanley Manolakis

Debdatta Chakraborty was born and raised in Eastern India and based in Kolkata. A photographer who is not professional, I am a visually-oriented storyteller. I am not confined to a specific genre. Being an amateur, I have no professional obligation to adhere to a particular type of photography. Therefore, I can discover any kind of photography that interests me at any given time. In 2015, I was awarded the Documentary Award by the China Folklore Photography Association and UNESCO in The Humanity Photo Awards at Shangri-La, China.

All about Debdatta Chakraborty

After a 35-year working in business,, Mrs. Reyman opened a new chapter in her life when she embraced her artistic talents and a lifelong fascination with photography. She was initially captivated by the aging faces of those who live a tough life, but then she discovered the flora’s beauty that fades in its prime. Both were nearing the final stages of their lives, each displaying an attractiveness she was compelled to photograph before it became too late. Susan resides in Chicago, Il.

The whole story of Susan Reyman

Luke Stambouliah was born and raised in Sydney, Australia. He earned the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) from the University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts. He started his work as an artist of the present and commercial portrait photographer in the television, film, and theatre sectors.

All about Luke Stambouliah

Cheryl Clegg grew up in NJ and went to the Rochester Institute of Technology, earning a BFA in Illustration for Photographs. She then relocated to Boston to begin her career in commercial photography. After more than 30 years her, work has been featured in a variety of publications, magazines, billboards, and annual reports, and has been featured in numerous group shows. Cheryl was selected as one of the 2020 Critical Mass Finalists with her project, Downeast Harborside, a visual narrative about the lobster fishing town of Corea, Maine.

Cheryl loves all forms of photography, always seeking to convey emotion in the image. In addition to filling the space, each work is a narrative or leaves an impression in the minds of those who view it.

Everything about Cheryl Clegg

Alireza Sahebi is an Iranian photographer who was born in 1994. He became interested in photography when he was young as a teenager and later began working in a photography studio. Then, he continued his studies in the area ofof visual communications at the University of Art and Architecture. He chose to specialize in portrait photography because of his fascination with studying and observing human thoughts and feelings. He continues to shoot with different genres since it is a distinct language with a variety of dialects and allows the photographer to connect with other photographers all over the world.

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