GBPW  photography


We asked members of our community to send us their top photography questions. We answer them all in this episode. Learn how to edit images efficiently, evaluate your photos, and more.

It doesn’t matter how your photos look compared to those of other photographers. What do you think when you see your photos? Do you feel excited? Does this photo reflect what you are feeling at this moment? The picture is fine if it does.

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We asked the members of our community last week to ask any question they want about photography. Photographers from all over the world sent us some amazing questions! In this episode, I answer their questions, covering topics like editing, portrait photography, and neutral density filters.

We discuss:

  • Photo editing techniques
  • Improve your photography skills by analyzing your photos
  • Take stunning soft-focus portraits

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This is an episode that was inspired by the community. We are confident that you will learn something new and be inspired to take photos today.

This is a sneak preview for this episode.

How can I make my portraits stand out by using soft focus?

When taking pictures of people, there are some important things you should keep in mind. It can be overwhelming to have to take into account so many factors. It doesn’t have to be like that!

Remember these tips when taking photos with a large aperture.

  • Backgrounds. Keep them as simple and as clear as possible.
  • Foregrounds. Use colorful objects to add depth to your photographs.
  • Editing. Color correction can be useful if you feel that something is missing in your image.

How do you rate your photos?

Everyone’s workflow differs, but I use my intuition to evaluate my images. If it feels good, I’ll go with it. A similar question was asked about the completion of the photo during the editing stage. How can you tell when a picture is finished?

You can edit/retouch/color-correct your photos indefinitely. Others combat this problem by limiting the time they spend editing. Some photographers rely on their intuition, but this can be unpredictable. In my experience, however, I have found that trusting my instinct (and occasionally setting a time limit) helped me produce work which I personally enjoy.

You have to be proud at the end of the workday. It’s important to have fun. You won’t be able to enjoy taking pictures if you don’t love what you create, regardless of how technically flawless it may be.

Q: What is the neutral density filter used for in landscape photography?

You can compare a neutral density filter to a pair of sunglasses. Sunglasses protect our eyes and darken the world we see. ND filters also darken a scene and allow for more creative photography.

It’s especially useful on sunny, bright days when it is difficult to get the perfect shot. You may not achieve the best results if one part of your photograph is overexposed while another part has perfect lighting. A neutral density filter will help you to achieve harmony and balance in your photos.

In long-exposure photography, ND filters are commonly used. Imagine you want to capture photos of a waterfall. You’ll get overexposed pictures if there is a lot of light. You can compensate for all the light with an ND filter. This will allow you to darken the scene and use a slower shutter to achieve better results.

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