How to choose a profitable  topic


Recently, I discussed with a reader how to choose the best topic for profitable blogging. During this conversation, I learned that finding the right balance between various factors was crucial. Explore these principles to select a worthwhile topic for your blog.

Topic Popularity

It is important to have readers for any blog that wants success. I could build a blog that would dominate the ‘green paper bags niche,’ and I’d get 100% of people searching for that term on Google. (There is No Competition), but the truth is I’d be the only one reading it. It would help if you chose a subject that is in demand. The topic does not have to be one that everyone searches for information about, but its popularity is a factor that can increase your chances of success.

The likelihood that readers will be attracted to your topic increases if it is popular. Finding the right balance between popularity, competition, and profitability would be best. Identifying niches within popular subjects can be very profitable. Instead of starting a blog that covers a wide range of topics, you can achieve better results by focusing on niches such as “keto diets for beginners” and “high intensity interval training” You can position yourself as a specialist and attract a loyal audience by focusing on these topics.

Keyword research tools are a great way to gauge the popularity of blog topics. These tools can help you identify keywords, search volume, and competition for your niche analysis.

  • Google Trends: This tool is free and allows you to track the popularity of keywords in different geographical areas. It gives data on search interests and related topics.
  • SEMrush: SEMrush is known for its extensive keyword research features. It offers insight into the search volume and keyword difficulty. It provides a competitive landscape overview and suggests keywords that are related.

Topic Competition and Strict Niches

You can also increase your chances of making money by choosing a subject with limited-quality online information. There is no such thing as a niche topic, but this is untrue. While the web can be busy, some topics need more competition. This allows you to become one of the most popular fishes in a small pond. You may have to narrow down your niche, or you might have to be the first to cover a topic. You will have to be “the first” to do so other times. Finding a niche with limited competition is a great way to grow and profit. Here are some examples:

  1. Growing plants indoors is becoming more popular as urban living becomes more prevalent. You can become an expert in the niche by providing helpful content and advice about indoor urban gardening tools and plant care. You can monetize by forming affiliate partnerships with suppliers of gardening equipment or launching your own indoor gardening product line.
  2. “Sustainable Fashion for Men:” As sustainability is becoming a global issue, demand for eco-friendly clothing is increasing. You can tap into this growing market by catering to men, providing information on ethical fashion, sustainable clothing brands, and styling tips. Affiliate marketing and collaborations between eco-conscious clothing brands and sustainable fashion brands can be revenue streams.
  3. Uncrewed Aerial vehicles are my narrowest niche. It’s not my most lucrative blog, but fewer people were searching for the topic when I started it ten years ago. I got a large percentage of those who searched for my keywords as I ranked highly on Google. This topic is much more competitive today, but you can still do well if you are willing to find a niche.

You can use these tools to identify untapped niche markets.

  • Ubersuggest offers keyword suggestions as well as competition analysis. It gives you information about search volume, difficulty, and related keywords. This helps you find niches that have lower competition.
  • Ahrefs is a powerful tool for SEO that allows you to analyze your competitors, find keywords with low competition, and discover niche opportunities. It offers content gap analyses, which help you identify areas your competitors lack.

Revenue Streams

You’ve chosen a niche that people are interested in, and there is little competition. But if you can’t generate income from it, you will never make a profit. Adsense and other contextual advertising programs offer different click values depending on the topic. You’d like to select a niche that pays well, but there may be intense competition. You can explore clicks with medium levels of competition and lower click values. Bloggers can earn money from sources other than Adsense. Consider private advertising and affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche.

Identifying topics with potential revenue streams for long-term profit is essential. Here are two examples from recent times:

  1. Blogs about “Smart Home Automation” can be profitable, given the growing popularity of smart devices for home. Affiliate partnerships with manufacturers of smart home products, sponsored content by companies in the home automation sector, and digital products like e-books and online courses about setting up smart homes are all options for monetization.
  2. The “Digital Nomad Life” has become popular as remote work and location freedom gain in popularity. Bloggers who specialize in this niche can generate income through affiliate marketing, sponsored content by travel agencies and co-working spaces, as well as coaching or consulting for aspiring digital nomadics.

Amazon’s Affiliate Program and researching “your topic” affiliate programs on search engines are excellent places to start. Here are some tools that can help you assess your blog’s affiliate revenue potential.

  • AnswerThePublic : This tool creates a visual representation for questions and phrases related to your keyword. This tool can be used to generate content ideas by showing what people search for and what they want.

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