Photography Careers You Can Actually Live Off

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” You likely have heard this advice at least once or twice. However, transforming your love for photography into an money that you can rely on for your daily living is much more difficult to achieve than you think.

The initial steps are easy enough: put yourself cameras, try whenever you can and then create your own photographer’s website to display your outcomes. These three steps will only get you far in becoming an experienced professional. If you want to transform your passion into a profession you earn a living from it is necessary to invest an enormous amount of effort and time into improving your professional abilities. Also you’ll need to discover the right field where you’ll actually earn income.

Are you looking for some help? Look over these 10 photography careers to find ideas for determining your way to a career.

  1. Wedding photographer

Wedding photography is generally thought of as an ideal option to earn money from taking photos. It is a perfect fit for three most important aspects people seek when they are looking for a job It’s rewarding, pays very well, and has a an enormous need for it. Additionally, you can take pictures that people will cherish for a lifetime.

The most commonly used method to become professional photographers in the field is through collaborations. This involves working with experienced photographers and establishing professional relationships with companies like catering companies as well as venues and even stores.

Of course, there are negatives to this profession. In other words, everyone is the wedding photographer. You’ll need to improve your interpersonal skills, and be prepared to face stress-inducing clients and demanding situations. You’ll also have be prepared for wedding photographer in the off-season which is when the weather just not the right time to tie the knot.


  1. Commercial photographer

Commercial photography encompasses photographs used to promote the products or services. This field encompasses many types of photography. These include portrait, architectural, product as well as food photography. The images are used in various advertisements catalogs, websites, as well as social media.

Different photography jobs have distinct requirements in terms of skills for instance, to become commercially-oriented, you’ll need to concentrate on your technical expertise. There won’t be a narrative to your photographs beyond how awesome your client’s company is. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t take pictures that people will be captivated by. Actually, every image that is sponsored taken from one of your favourite Instagram accounts for photography is likely to fall into the category of commercial photography.

In the past couple of years, the advent in social networks has made an enormous impact on this area. With a large number of followers and engagement as a mark of approval increasing numbers of photographers are looking to companies for collaborations with commercial brands. The result is the general trend of moving away from carefully-prepared photos towards images that are designed to be as authentic as is possible.

Tips: Looking for a memorable name for your photography business? Utilize the photographer name generator to help you come up with ideas and inspiration.


  1. Portrait photographer

Photography of portraits is among the careers in photography that has the greatest demand from customers. This is due to the wide range of styles of photography that it covers. From school pictures and corporate headshots, to professional photo shoots as well as studio shoots, the variety of opportunities for portrait photographers is almost infinite. Also we should not overlook the ever-growing field of pet photography. It is possible to earn money by snapping pictures of adorable kittens and puppies.

However, with the best opportunities come great responsibility. To have an enviable career as a photographer of portraits you’ll have to master an impressive interpersonal skill set and have a personal style of photography. A majority of photographers you take pictures will probably have very little experience in modeling or have a shyness to camera, which means your style of speaking will be as crucial as your technical abilities.

You’ll also have to know how to communicate with your clients, and make sure that they are satisfied with your work. The majority of your jobs will come through referrals.

Photo made by skilled Flickr user Sugar & Shutter Photography

  1. Travel photographer

Travel photography is in the eyes of many, a dream that is now a reality. You not only have the opportunity to spend your time exploring new places and cultures and places, but you also get money for it. The travel bug is now more prevalent than ever before thanks the rise of social media. Today, photographers across all over the world are pondering what they can do to realize their dream.

If you are determined to go after this career in photography begin by placing your feet down and pondering the work involved. It’s about getting up early in order to capture the stunning sunrise images and carrying heavy camera equipment for a long time and working on photographs instead of soaking in the pool of a hotel. The end result will definitely be worthwhile however, you must be prepared to work hard to achieve them.

It’s not that easy to earn money as a traveling photographer. Particularly when you consider the cost to create those photos. The best way to get ahead is to begin by creating an impressive portfolio that showcases your best work. As a freelancer, you can sell your images to travel and tourism agencies as well as magazines. It is also advisable to make contact with brands who could be interested in sponsoring your travels, and also try to establish professional relationships with travel writers as well as other authors with whom you can work with.


  1. Stock photographer

Stock photography is among the most obtainable photography jobs but it’s also among the ones that is most often ignored. The chance of making money from this kind of photography is low however it could be an excellent way to earn additional money.

It is possible to start selling photos already available on microstock platforms, such as IStock or Adobe Stock. They have an entry fee that is lower and make up the bulk of sales. In the future, you should be creating images with a variety of styles with numerous commercial possibilities. Experts in the field suggest uploading about a dozen or so images each month in order to maximize the opportunities that these platforms can offer.

If you’re interested in stock photography, or if it’s something you’re interested in, take a an interest in these professional suggestions for how to market photographs that are stock.

Photo taken by the gifted Wix user, Bjarte Rettedal

  1. Photojournalist

The practice of photojournalism involves recording events for publication. The old saying that ‘an image is worth the words it describes never been more relevant than it is in the world of photography since photojournalists have to capture photos that convey intricate narratives.

The photography profession will place you in the center of culture and news and help you develop into an effective visual storyteller. Naturally, it’s going to take lots of dedication to exchange. It’s likely that you’ll need to begin covering less exciting events and work as a freelancer to create a strong portfolio of photography. In time, you’ll capable of submitting your work to publications and possibly build a reputation with a reputable news agency.

When you become a photojournalist you’ll be following in the footsteps of renowned photographers like Robert Capa, Gerda Taro, David Seymour and, of course, the famous Peter Parker.


  1. Sports photographer

Sport photography is among the fields of photography that has been spared by the lower entry requirements to the field. Although professionals in other fields have to fight against social media and smartphones It’s difficult to imagine anything other than tele-telephoto lenses that are high-end on top-of-the-line sporting occasions.

It’s also among the most exciting tasks in the field, because there’s never-ending action taking place right in the camera’s view every second of the day. This means you’ll never get bored, but you’ll have to master a plethora of technical skills. The problem is that you’ll need purchase powerful lenses to to capture all the action in the game.

One of the most significant advantages that sports photography has is the ease of access it provides. It is possible to begin working to build your career at any moment All you have to do is to get to the closest soccer court or basketball court. Begin by playing in amateur events and then move on to professional competitions as you improve your skills. You can sell the work you’ve created to publications in your area or join forces with teams you can get the work in the world. Every goal, mistake and final line you document will get the step towards becoming a member of the NFL, NBA, NWSL or MLB.


  1. Wildlife photographer

Wildlife photography is the opposite of a lot of photography professions on this list. In a world that is about speed and action one of the biggest qualities of a wildlife photographer is patience.

While some amazing shots require quick reflexes and the ability to control your hands The majority of time is being waited for animals to either do something or to appear.

In light of climate change and the fast growing threat to species, experts in the field are making use of photography to spread awareness. This is why the interest in wildlife photography is on a record, thereby making the possibility to get your work published greater.

The way to a successful career begins with a solid portfolio you can present to prospective editors. Make sure to submit your work for publication and participate in contests to increase the exposure you get. Design your own style or create visual stories to increase the chances of having your work printed and possibly even showcased in galleries.

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