Taking Great Action Shots of Kids

No matter if you’re a parent or a professional (or both! ), You’re aware that children are always playing, running, and playing, causing an endless stream of unforgettable moments which beg to be documented. If you have a DSLR camera at hand, you’ll be able to turn these cherished moments into stunning, tangible images that will last for a lifetime. How can you capture these vibrant images? How do you capture the moment of pure happiness, that instant of intense concentration, or that look of complete delight?

This guide will provide you with the knowledge you’re looking for to effortlessly capture amazing action photos of your children (pets as well!). You’re now in control of your camera to achieve the photos you want to capture. Let’s get started!

Make use of a shutter speed that is fast

The first step to getting great action photos is to utilize a fast shutter speed. This helps you can freeze the action and also prevent blurry pictures. Children are unpredictable and move rapidly, so shoot at 1/1000sec to get the best shots. To adjust the shutter speed you must change the camera’s setting on shutter Priority (S or Tv ) on the dial of your camera) Then adjust the speed accordingly.

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Set Your settings for Continuous Shooting, or burst mode.

This allows you to snap many photos in one go by pressing your shutter. There’s a wide range of options to select from, which will increase your chance of capturing the perfect moment. You can find this option within your camera’s settings. It’s typically represented by stacking rectangles.

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You can try the autofocus (AF) tracking feature.

If enabled to this setting, it keeps the camera’s attention on the subject moving. When you go to your camera’s AF settings, search for ‘AF-C’ or “AI the Servo AF’. Once it is set, you can concentrate on your child with the shutter halfway down. Your camera will keep focusing while your child is moving.

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Adjust your aperture to give you more depth of field

img alt=”Photo of a child in focus, to illustrate the importance of adjusting the aperture.” If you’re shooting action, you’ll require a large depth of field to ensure that your child is clear in contrast to the backdrop. Make sure to use an aperture that is around f/5.6 or 8 mm. For setting this aperture, change the camera’s mode into Aperture Priority (A or Av) and then adjust the aperture accordingly.

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Don’t be afraid to raise your ISO

Higher ISO values allow more rapid shutter speeds. These are vital for taking action photos. In light conditions, you may begin with an ISO of around 800 and then raise it if you need to. Remember that extremely high ISO values could cause the appearance of noise (graininess) within your photos and therefore balance is essential.

Focus your camera in the direction in the direction where the action will occur.

If you know the location where the action is likely to occur, for instance on the last slide, or on a swing, you can pre-focus on the location. To achieve this, point your camera in the direction of the area, then move the shutter halfway to lock focus, and then watch for the action to occur.

Apply the ‘rules of thirds composition to your photos

Imagine your frame being divided into nine equal parts using two horizontal lines equally spaced and the two vertical lines equally spaced. Make sure your subject is aligned with these lines and at the intersections.

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Concentrate on the child’s expressions in order to get the essence of the moment

The focus when they build a sandcastle, the excitement in the swing, or the enthusiasm when they’re learning how to ride a bicycle They are a tale to be told.

Try panning the camera to create some interesting images

Panning is the process which allows you to move the camera to follow the movement of your subject. It can create breathtaking images in which your child’s face is sharp against an unfocused background. For a start, make sure you set the shutter speed lower than 1/30th of a second. Then, you should focus on your child, then move your camera in line in their direction while you click the shutter.

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