Youth Photographer of the Year 2023


Congratulations for being awarded The Youth Photographer of the Year award. What is it like being a winner in one of the most prestigious photography contests?

I am happy that I am now a photographer, and when I learned that I was the winner, I had a few tears! I’d like to express my gratitude to Sony along with the World Photography Organsiation for the affirmation. However it makes an impression that the basis of success is perseverance. When I look back to the first time I picked up cameras, I have always had the most genuine passion about photography. I am extremely proud of my accomplishments.

Do you want to tell us the background of your winning image?

It’s always been a custom at school to place seating in the area on the outside of the principal building on the day prior to the opening ceremony. As I watched the people setting up in the square, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to snap a picture that had a minimalist style So I immediately walked to the top level, pointed my camera through the window, and then snapped the shutter. I thought I could capture a photo from the same spot, but with more people. The next night it was announced by the college that because of the COVID-19 epidemic opening ceremony, it was to be conducted online. I realised at once that no one was sitting in those chairs – over 2 000. A long-standing tradition had been broken. It’s not just one day, it’s not only only one institution in China It’s not just one event the whole thing has broken for three years I lived for 3 years in my childhood in COVID-19. It’s not just me, but the human and social consequences of this disease are massive.

What made you decide to take part in into Sony World Photography Awards?

After I took this picture the photo generated quite a buzz in my circle of friends. I later learned that the theme of 2023’s Youth competition was “Your Everyday’. I was able to strongly be a part of the theme. When you inquire about about what my everyday is, I’d like to say that “Being constantly deprived is our day.” This may not be the most positive in comparison to other works, but I think we live in a time of great change.

Could you share something about your general way of approaching photography? What do you enjoy to capture?

I enjoy shooting minimal scenes, like structures with distinct colors that highlight shadows and light. I also concentrate on subjects that have emotional resonance. I begin by thinking about the message I would like to communicate and then what my concept is after having seen an image. After that, I look over the composition based on my thoughts and snap photographs.

We have read in your bio that you are a fan of and drawn to minimalist art. Do you have a name for who or what is your source of inspiration?

Wang Yihao, who was the 2021 Hasselblad Masters Champion, is a minimalist photographer. I believe he’s one of the top photographers in the world today. His use of shadows color, light and a an orderly approach make me feel calm and relaxed when I view his images. He is calm and has a positive attitude to photography. This is the reason why I am awed by his work.

Your photo was displayed in Somerset House before embarking on an international show all through the year. What was it like having your photograph printed and displayed on the walls of the exhibition?

In the beginning I’d appreciate my judges Sony as well as the World Photography Organisation for their respect and respect. The feeling of pride when I know my work will be the wall is unavoidable. It’s a great feeling to know that my work is being displayed from the other side of the planet. I would like the viewers to look into the ideas the themes, styles and concepts behind my photographs. From my point of view, my words may provide you with ideas and thoughts about my life and the world.

It’s not yet a long time after you’ve received this award However, has anything remarkable happened since the announcement?

The most important thing is definitely the camera! I’ve also been focusing on my artistic endeavors and I’ve created an initial portfolio.

What did this Award been a positive influence in your work?

Everyone around me is thrilled and happy when I announce the news. I am grateful to my parents teachers, and my acquaintances. Following my win I am grateful to these people who have been supportive and trusting me since I won. I will cherish this Award since I’ve come to meet more and more amazing artists and photographers as well as my chances have increased. The pressure that comes with honor also comes with which is why I’ve begun to consider seriously my photography. I’ve kept my profile low to refine my work and push to achieve perfection, however my standards for myself have been elevated to a higher standard. I will continue to look at the world around me in a new way and do not want to waste time in this world.

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