AI isn’t an issue Boris Eldagsen, whose fake image spoofed his Sony judges, responds


The German artist caused a stir this week after he disclosed that the image awarded acclaim wasn’t as it appeared to be. But, he says, AI isn’t about sidelining humans. It’s about freeing artists.

Since the 52-year-old German photographer Boris Eldagsen went public with the information that the award he received was the Sony world photography prize using an artificial intelligence-generated image and that he was awarded the medal, relations between the artist and his body that awarded him have become strained. It is reported that the World Photography Organisation has issued an apology, stating, “We no longer feel we can engage in a meaningful and constructive dialogue with him.” His website says: “Sony: Stop saying nonsense!”

“I don’t know why they behaved like this,” He tells me from Berlin in the morning following the scandal began to surface. However, I do have a concept: they feel they’ve been victimized and have had their ability to discern beauty put into question. If you cannot distinguish between an actual photo and an image created by AI and you’re not sure, you prefer to stay home. (Boris Eldagsen claims that before receiving the news of his victory, He had not disclosed any details to the International Photography Organisation that AI created the photo; the organization claims that the judges were always aware that it was an image made using components of AI.)

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