Best Rising Photographers of  june 2023

Explore the fantastic world of photography when we reveal a stunning selection of breathtaking photos taken by talented young stars worldwide. Take awe-inspiring photos that showcase the extraordinary talent and creativity of photographers working and living around the world. Enjoy this collection of breathtaking images gathered from our many submissions and portfolio submissions. Please take part in every discovery’s beauty each month, making it an ode to incredible art. Please takeLook at this inspirational exhibit and participate in our journey to discover stunning photos! This is our top selection of photographers to follow for July 2023.

Everything About Amira Al-Sharif

Lisa Murray (b.1970) is an award-winning photographer at Wurundjeri Land in Naarm/ Melbourne. Her work focuses on daily life and her relationships with children, which is influenced by her experience as an educator in Early Childhood Education. Murray’s work was recognized through The Documentary Family, Australian Photography, and Head On Photo Awards. She was awarded the ‘Photo of the Year’ award in 2021 by The Australian Photographer of the Year Awards. She has shown extensively as an award-winning finalist throughout Australia; her collection “Through My Child’s Eyes” was chosen as a featured solo Exhibition in the Head On Photo Festival in 2022. Head On Photo Festival in 2022.

Everything regarding Lisa Murray

Domenico Iannantuono is an Italian photographer from Puglia. An array of passions like literature, art, music, and travel collide in his work. He is particularly concerned about employment, human rights, and the environment. He is fascinated by the study of socio-cultural change and religious anthropology. Reportage is the main focus of his studies.

Everything about Domenico Iannantuono

I’m Osama Gennie-in a-Click. I don’t know what the Universe has conspired to get me to become a photographer, and I love it. There have been a myriad of events that have brought me to the direction that I am in. Slowly but indeed, I am finding my niche and found that I am a fan of photography as a fine art artist. I love people, and I enjoy capturing various aspects and portrayals of the human condition through my work. I’ve always been fascinated by the profound relationship between nature and humans. Humans connect images, taste, smell, and sound with our feelings. As an artist, I linked my work with my feelings when I made the Photo. Looking at a photo I’ve created, I’m transported back to when the photograph was taken. I can smell the aroma and the lighting, and I can feel the emotions I experienced when I took it; I feel the breeze and hear the sound all around me. It’s pretty unique to trans board in just a moment. I want to explain to the viewer how the photos were made; I can make them feel the feelings accompanying every piece of art.

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