Best Modern Photographers of 2023

If you’re an artist or just a photography lover, you’re likely always interested in finding out about the top portfolios online. But, there are so many amazing photographers out there that it’s difficult to decide how to find them and could result in you not finding those that you would like to have known about earlier. This is the place where All About Photo can be useful. We gather a list of the best contemporary photographers every month. Here’s what we’ve selected to show in the month of June 2023. We hope that you find the motivation that you’ve been searching for.

Born in Paris on July 31, 1966. Stefano Azario is a photographer and director who lives in Milan in Italy and New York. Stefano started taking pictures around the age of 11, just after the death of his father. The family relocated out of Italy into London in 1979. Stefano then studied photography at the London College of Printing from 1984 until 1987. After gaining a name for being one of the most well-known commercial photographers of infants and children, Stefano is currently concentrating on fine art and documentary photography. The turning point in Stefano’s career was when Vogue Bambini began commissioning him regularly until the magazine’s demise in 2018. in 2013. Stefano had been asked to design and shoot an entire edition of Vogue Bambini. The year 1994 was when Stefano began taking pictures of Gap Kids and BabyGap global campaigns for advertising, which continued for more than 25 years. Large advertising agencies, significant publications, and internationally recognized brands have collaborated with Stefano. Benetton, Uniqlo, and Armani are only some of the brands he’s collaborated with. Stefano is determined to work from his heart when it comes to photography. With the inspiration from Dorothea Lange, Irving Penn, and Luigi Ghirri, Stefano is agile in his work methods when directing giant video sets or shooting in a solo. When it comes to capturing his personal and intimate view of infants and children and shooting an Indonesian jungle, the photographer is a fan of working with a range of cameras, film, and technologies that constantly challenge his ways of looking. The last show he had, “In Cerca Della Retta Via” at the No Gallery in Pontremoli, was curated with the assistance of the Italian Ministry of Culture as part of the Lunigiana Land Art Festival in 2022.

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Serena Dzenis is a lens-based artist from Australia who is a resident of Iceland. Her work serves to create stories of conservation, science, environmental issues, and the future of humanity. Serena’s photos depart from the norm, focusing on the mysteriousness often related to the natural world and human structures on our planet. Her work focuses on storytelling in the landscape, interacting with the earth and examining the results of human desires and absorbing the rhythms and risks associated with the present and adolescent presence of the world.

Everything about Serena Dzenis

Alejandro Martinez Velez is a freelance photographer for Anadolu Agency and Europa Press Agency in Madrid, Spain. He started his training in photography at the Lens School of Visual Arts and then paired it with his studies at the University of Political Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid). His focus is on social conflict, human rights, and political issues. The photographer is documenting the departure of many people who have fled to Europe. His photos have been shown in cities as diverse as Madrid, Barcelona, Istanbul, New York, Moscow, Shanghai, Mexico City, Beirut, Milan, Buenos Aires, and Johannesburg.

All about Alejandro Martinez Velez

Meryl Meisler was born 1951 in the South Bronx and raised in North Massapequa, Long Island, New York. Influenced by photographers like Diane Arbus and Jacques Henri Lartigue, along with her father, Jack, and grandfather, Murray Meisler, Meryl Meisler began taking pictures of herself, friends, and family while taking a photography course that Cavalliere Ketchum taught at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. After 1975, Meisler returned to New York City and continued her studies with the Lisette Model. She continued to take pictures of her home and the city surrounding her. While working as an illustrator freelance by morning, Meisler frequented and photographed the famous New York discos. As a 1978 C.E.T.A. Artist grantee, Meisler created a portfolio of images that reflected her Jewish identity in The American Jewish Congress.

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