Beth Lofgren’s Interview On Photography

Hi, I’m Beth Lofgren of Beth Lofgren photography.

When and how did you fall in love with photography?

I started my journey in photography while collecting images from races I had completed.  The passion grew, of course as you will hear from many females, when my son arrived. A very giving photographer in the area where I used to live, Lauren Gill, saw my Nikon D40 on a table and asked me a few questions that sparked my interest further. I had hired her to capture my son during his first year and was amazed at her willingness to guide. I find photography can be a very competitive hobby/job; however she showed willingness to point me in the right direction… which at the time was purchasing my first prime lens: Nikkor 50mm 1.4G. I also stumbled upon an invaluable forum called I Love Photography where the passion met the pavement. Thanks to the board and the many photographers there, I watched my images change from mere snapshots to the kind of work I can be proud of.

Have you had any formal training?

I have taken an online class that lasted for a year, but my college degree is a BS in health science and a doctor of pharmacy.

How would you describe your photography style?

I have been told that it is clean, simple, and happy.  I really like those terms.

What inspires your work?

I’m inspired by daily life.  I want to somehow freeze moments of emotions and be able to recreate in my mind the same moment when gazing at the photograph.  

When did you first start out in portraiture photography?

I started my business in 2008-09.

How many portrait sessions do you shoot per year?

I average about 3-4 sessions a month depending on time of year.

Could you please share some details of a shoot you particularly enjoyed capturing?

I absolutely loved a session I did recently in a park in downtown Chattanooga.  The child was adorable and his parents were on-board with capturing some unique interactions.  I really enjoyed meeting them!

What would be your idea of a dream portraiture shoot?

A celebrity shoot.  Period.

What is your favourite age to photograph and why?

I love newborns and them older than five. In between are a little harder to take direction.

What difficulties, if any, have you come across with portrait photography and how do you cope with them?

Bad weather, artificial light, irritated children. Help parents relax by sending them away!

What advice would you give to parents that want you to photograph their little ones?

Get on their level.  Either decide to interact for eye contact or better yet capture them in their surroundings.

What camera(s) do you use for your portraiture work?

Nikon D700 and D90.

And your favourite lenses?

Nikkor 105mm 2.8.

Do you use any lighting equipment?

Sometimes.  I have an AB800 and three flashes, but I love natural light the best I’ll admit.

What advice would you give to wannabe portrait photographers?

Don’t start a business unless it’s a legal business.  Too many photographers are hanging a shingle and giving it away for $50 for a CD of hi-res images.  You can’t make a living that way and you are devaluing the market. Learn the craft. Get feedback from pros you admire.  Take it SLOW. There’s no rush.

What has been your proudest moment as a photographer?

My proudest moment was when my husband told me how great my work is… 🙂

Out of all the photographs you have ever taken, which is your favourite and why? 

My favourite picture is the red dress baby in the snow that I took of my daughter (yes, there is an emotional attachment).  The idea came from a photographer friend of mine so I cannot take credit for the red dress in the snow, but taking the shot and having it hanging on my wall as a canvas is divine!

If you could capture anybody or anything on camera what would it be?

Shemar Moore in a celebrity shoot.

Just so we can find out a bit more about the person behind the lens, could you tell me 5 things you like that are completely unrelated to photography?Running (have run two marathons in my life)ReadingGolf (I don’t get to play as much now!)Trying new restaurantsBeing with my family (this one’s the number one!)

And 5 things you dislike?

  • Cold coffee
  • Dishonesty
  • Gaining weight
  • Insomnia
  • Cold weather

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