cameras: empowering future talent

The Sony World Photography Awards, the next generation of photographers are admired through the competition for youth. It is open to those who are younger than 19 years old The competition is designed to promote the future photographers and inspires young photographers to express their passion and enthusiasm to take pictures. Hai Wang was revealed as the 2023 Youth Photographer of the Year in April. entries are open for the 2024 Youth contest. The primary theme of the competition in 2024 is “Through Your Eyes”. To mark the start of the competition 2024 we take a look at 100cameras, a different platform that helps young photographers gain to see the world from a different perspective.

When we learned about 100cameras, we were inspired to highlight some of the incredible work that the participants have done in their projects. The non-profit organization helps children and young people who are facing difficult situations to tell and process their experiences and stories through photography. In addition to enhancing their students’ perspectives through self-expression that is creative Since 2008, 100cameras has collaborated with more than 33,000 kids in fifty plus communities across the globe.

Naomi of San Jose shows an intriguing view of basketball courts. A perspective that is often referred to as”worm’s-eye” Naomi is able to make her object appear incredibly large What is her goal? the reach of her?

Capturing the moment (and the movement that occurs within it) is a powerful way to keep viewers entertained. Dinesh from Bangalore’s photograph poses more questions than it answers to the following questions: Who is the man who is being photographed? What is his destination? What’s his expression when he turns his back and smiles?

Aneliyah’s aerial shots of train carriages at a stop at a stop in New York City take on an abstract look. The muted colors, the repetition, and the angle framing that makes us want to revisit the image over and over.

The photo was taken by The Lamin Village in The Gambia, Kaddijatou M’s framing of what appears to be a stunning tree, and the positioning of four children who play close to provides a impression of size. The use of color and contrast enhances the beauty of nature.

Are you interested in purchasing a print? Students who are part of the 100cameras program can sell their photos and 100cameras can then give all the profits back to their communities to help fund the most urgent demands. You can help 100cameras by purchasing prints and find all prints you can purchase on this page.

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