About Magical Places Fine Art Photography

I’m a photographer, writer, web designer and traveller. I’m driven by a desire to travel to new places and photograph them and the people there. My photography focuses on travel, and I’ve created Magical Places Fine Art Photography as a showcase of my finest work. The purpose of the business is to make the photos I take of some of the world’s most magical places available to everybody. Along the way I hope I inform and entertain. The most important thing for me is that you like my photography and find it interesting, thought-provoking and informative. I welcome feedback of any sort.

I’m fortunate enough to have travelled a lot in my life, and I’ve seen a lot of beautiful places which most people don’t have the time or opportunity to see. Which is how I came to realise my purpose (and the mission of this business):

My mission is to bring you the sights of the world’s most magical places, and to make these images available to all in the form of Fine Art Photography Prints.

These Photography Galleries contain my color and black & white Fine Art Travel Photography. I work in both monochrome and color, and I especially like to use sepia toned black & white photography to create a lasting visual impression. I prefer black and white photography. It’s more difficult and challenging than colour but ultimately much more rewarding. For me, the best, most evocative and timeless photos that I have seen are monochrome.

I’ve recently made the switch from film to digital. Some of the photos you see here were originally taken on film, then scanned using a negative scanner and worked on in Adobe Photoshop to achieve the final result. Now, I use a digital camera instead of film. The majority of the photos here were taken digitally. But regardless of the origin of the photo, the important thing for me is that I use a computer for post-production work rather than the chemical processes of a darkroom.

All the photographs are for sale at my online store at Imagekind, so if you’d like to purchase a photograph just click on the ‘Buy a Print’ link once you’re in the Imagekind site. Click on the thumbnails to take a closer look at the photos. Art & photography buyers (and photography lovers) will appreciate the tonality, composition and quality of the photography.

I have a philosophy of giving back to the communities I’ve visited in my travels. Ten per cent of the company’s profits will be donated to a worthwhile charity that is working to improve the lives of the world’s impoverished people.

Take your time and enjoy the photography.

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