How to get feedback on your posts and pages


Do your blog posts need to be fixed? Your About page is it enticing or confusing? Is your Hire Me page an excellent way to sell your services or too bland?

Oft, your only feedback is in the form numbers. Perhaps your readers spend little time on your blog. You may not get many comments. You may not have ever been hired.

It’s difficult to say why. You can’t improve your writing without feedback from readers.

It’s not the same thing as saying, “Great post!” or giving honest feedback.

  • Tells you what works and what doesn’t
  • Offers suggestions for how to solve any problem
  • Encourages you to maximize your strengths.

You may be reading this and thinking that no one will comment. I have no readers yet. You may not even have a blog online yet. Instead, you’re still working on your pages and posts to create your core content before launching.

Don’t give up. I will give you six simple ways to get your feedback.

How to Get Feedback in Six Ways

  1. Check out your comments

Look at these if you have received comments on your blog.

  • What posts are the most commented on? They will have, in some manner, struck a chord with readers.
  • Do you have any suggestions for future articles? Commenters often tell you what they want to read. Sometimes, commenters will tell you what they are struggling with. You can use this as a basis for a blog post.
  • Have you received any negative or confusing comments on your posts? You might want to re-read the post to make sure that it is clear.
  1. Twitter or Facebook: Ask Around

You may have more followers on Twitter, Facebook, or other social networks if your blog is brand new. Ask for feedback on Twitter, Facebook, or other social networks. Post a link to an article or page that you would like feedback on, and let people know that any constructive criticism is welcome.

You will be amazed at the generosity of your friends and even strangers. It would be best if you didn’t ignore the opinions of people who aren’t bloggers. They may need help understanding the technology, but they will likely represent your audience.

  1. Find a blogging buddy.

Bloggers will swap posts. Ask around to see if you have any blogging buddies. Find a blog buddy [Day 15-31DBBB].

You can start by looking at the comments of blogs that are relevant to you (ProBlogger is a good starting point). Send an email to someone who is at a similar level to you.

  1. Post a message on a forum.

The third Tribe is where I get feedback on my sales pages. I’ve received great feedback from members. It’s helpful to be specific when you ask for feedback. You could ask questions such as:

  • Is my About Page clear?
  • You to continue reading?
  • What else would you like to add?

You might be interested in ProBlogger’s Facebook Community Group if you are not a part of other blogging or business forums. ProBlogger Community offers a thread for “blog reviews swap.”

  1. Take a course on blogging.

There will be some form of interaction in many courses. This could include live calls with tutors or forums that allow you to interact with others. You’ll have the chance to ask specific questions and receive feedback.

Even if the course is extensive without individual tutoring, you’ll still find other members willing to assist. The people taking your e-course will often be more engaged and at a higher level than the general public on Twitter or Facebook.

You can find both free and paid courses on ProBlogger Courses. This includes several content creations.

  1. Writers coach: Hire one.

Find a blogging or writing coach if you want expert, in-depth feedback. A writing or blogging coach can help you polish and shape your content. They will also preserve your voice and style.

It is a worthwhile investment for many bloggers. This is true even if your writing skills are vital. Prime Sarmiento is an experienced journalist and one of my coaching clients. She discussed the benefits of coaching in a post she wrote as a guest for Men with Pens titled: How Hiring a Writer’s Coach Can Help Build Your Business.


You’ve finally found someone willing to provide you with feedback. What should you have them look at?

You should ensure that your writing and formatting are the best in a few key areas.

You cornerstone content

You want your posts to be best if you use them as pillar or cornerstone content. Readers will return to these posts again and again.

Ask someone to go through your entire series. They can provide valuable feedback on the little details (like typos or clunky sentences) and the bigger picture (ensuring that the posts are well-integrated).

This page is about

Did you know your About page is the second most read page on your site after your homepage? Check your Google Analytics to be sure! It makes sense. New readers often read one or two blog posts and then click “About” to learn more about you and the purpose of your blog.

A good About page can convert a casual visitor to a subscriber. Poor About pages can lose you the visitor. Writing about pages is hard, so you should get some feedback or even help with the draft.

You can Hire Me or Your Services page.

You want your sales page to attract potential customers if you have any products or services for sale. This means being as clear as possible about your business and the people you work with.

Even decent sales pages don’t always sell the blogger well. It’s important to get feedback from others on your sales page so that you can make sure it is clear.

Next steps

Find someone to give you feedback about a particular page or post in your blog. It could be a friend or a forum participant, but the most important thing is to get a second perspective. It’s best to choose someone who is familiar with your target audience, even if they are not a part of it themselves.

If you don’t know who to ask, leave a comment. You may find a new blogger friend…

Ali Luke is an author, writing coach, and the author of The Blogger’s Guides ebook series. She also has a weekly blog and writer’s newsletter. A mini-ebook, How to Find Time for Your Writing, was just released. Click here to sign up for the newsletter and get your copy.

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